GRACE - jewellery to benefit Støt Brysterne

Every year, almost 5,000 women in Denmark are affected by breast cancer. Mads Z supports Støt Brysterne's important work to raise funds for breast cancer research and prevention, among other things. The GRACE jewellery series contributes DKK 50 for every piece of jewellery sold.

In addition to GRACE jewellery being created to highlight an important cause, it was also important to me in the design process to create jewellery with symbolic value - both for the person buying the jewellery and for the person wearing it. The jewellery is therefore created with rose quartz, which, in addition to being known as the stone of love, also has properties that promote peace of mind and emotional balance. Properties that can be beneficial on both a physical and emotional level in times of adversity.

Mads Ziegler

For every piece of jewellery sold, DKK 50 is donated to Support the Breasts.

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Albertslund Ur & Guld Center
Bytorvet 7
2620 Albertslund
Tlf. 43 64 88 09

Holmer Guld Sølv Ure
Herlev Torv 19
2730 Herlev
Tlf. 44 94 27 28

Ballerup Guld Sølv & Ure
Ballerupcentret 39
2750 Ballerup
Tlf. 44 65 40 12

Haagensen´s Smykke & Ure
Vestergade 1 C
3200 Helsinge
Tlf. 48 79 41 15

Andersen & Enig
Karen Olsdatters Stræde 7
4000 Roskilde
Tlf. 46 35 06 99

Jyllinge Ur & Guldcenter 
Jyllingecentret 12 A
4040 Jyllinge
Tlf. 46 73 10 89

Greta’s Guld Sølv Ure
Skarridsøgade 35 F
4450 Jyderup
Tlf. 59 27 27 24

Cassiopeia Guld & Sølv
Ringstedgade 14 A
4700 Næstved
Tlf. 55 77 15 50

Emil Hansen & Søn 
Jernbanegade 18
4800 Nykøbing F
Tlf. 54 85 02 48

Byens Ure & Guld 
Søndergade 43-47
4900 Nakskov
Tlf. 54 92 02 31


Zinglersen Guld Sølv Ure 
Nørregade 25
5000 Odense C
Tlf. 66 13 01 30

Guldsmed Guldsteen
Rosengårdcentret 87
5220 Odense SØ
Tlf. 66 15 90 19

Christoffersen Guld Sølv Ure
Tarup Center Rugvangen 36
5210 Odense NV
Tlf. 66 16 32 30

Fangels Eftf.
Bredgade 35
5560 Aarup
Tlf. 64 43 10 93

Pind J. Design Guldsmedie
Gerritsgade 44
5700 Svendborg
Tlf. 62 21 12 92


Fuglsig & Jespersen
Østergade 6
6630 Rødding
Tlf. 74 84 13 43

Borgergade 13
7200 Grindsted
Tlf. 75 32 02 31

Guld & Ure no 26
Herning Centret
Merkurvej 115
7400 Herning
Tlf. 97 22 05 95

Viclara Smykker & Ure
Nørregade 6
7500 Holstebro
Tlf. 50 24 00 40

Lilletorv 1
7700 Thisted
Tlf. 97 92 02 31

Hinnerup Optik
8382 Hinnerup
Tlf. 86 98 50 99

Christoffersen Guld Sølv Ure
Torvet 10 B
8600 Silkeborg
Tlf. 86 82 25 26

Guldsmed Lind
Søndergade 36
8700 Horsens
Tlf. 75 62 54 77

Bispensgade 8
9000 Aalborg
Tlf. 98 13 12 32

Dannesboe Guld & Sølv
Danmarksgade 76
9900 Frederikshavn
Tlf. 98 42 47 85